Why (Over)Share?
I’ve shared a few vulnerable posts since I started writing here. You may wonder why.
I share some of my deepest struggles and most troubling thoughts because I have been helped beyond measure by other people sharing some of their deepest struggles and most troubling thoughts.
It’s amazing to read something written by someone you know only online or from a book that expresses exactly what you’re feeling and thinking. Or when a friend shares that they’ve been struggling with precisely the thing that’s doing you in and you had no idea. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said, “I’m so sorry you’re struggling too, but I’m so thankful I’m not alone in this.”
I want you, whether you “know” me or not, to understand that you are not alone. I believe there is nothing to be gained by hiding our insecurities and our weaknesses. It’s only when we share, when someone raises a hand and says, “me, too!” that we feel real love and connection — and like we just might make it through afterall.